Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:17 am
Everglades - Since 26 August 2016 (closed beta + southeast asia launch on 1 November 2016)
Taiwan (Chinese) - Since 20 January 2017 (taiwan + hong kong + macau launch)
Arathos - Since 29 June 2017 (global launch)
Gevalon - Since 14 August 2017 (extra server since global launch)
Everglades is the oldest server, mostly consisting of veterans and accounts that have played for a year. Arathos is the most populated server as it is the global launch server. Gevalon is the youngest server and is somewhat underpopulated. You should not pick the Taiwan server unless you can read and speak Chinese.
If you’re still unsure, pick Arathos. While there isn’t really a right or wrong server to pick, in almost all online games, it is usually better to play on a more populated server as there will be more guilds to choose from (some guilds don’t speak English) and a larger community to interact with. Because Gevalon is the newest server with the smallest population, it will of course be easier to catch up to existing players as well as having less competition for ladders and PvP.