Greetings to all, I have written this guide to hopefully serve as a front to give a general idea on the strengths and weaknesses of each job. I will try to update this guide with more information from time to time whenever I can. I will not post what you can already see from the Hero's Gallery. I will leave equipment and runes to be updated in the future when more data becomes available. Lastly, this guide is also based on 1 player's perspective (maybe more if others are willing to contribute) and I do not own all the heroes mentioned, so take everything you read here with a grain of salt.
As of patch 1.4.0 - 19th December 2016
Darrion - Holy Defender
A walking fortress who boast the highest DEF among all heroes even among his other jobs. He can also substitute any Healer who does not have the cleanse effect since he can do it himself and more frequently. A 25% of his DEF boost to everyone in his aura is very significant, you'll see a lot less damage taken by everyone with normal attacks and skills thanks to the major update which now allows DEF to provide magical defense. He can hold the line very well in PVP, even while debuffed on a tile (If you can get there first).
Darrion - Paladin
This job is perfect if paired with the Royal Huntsman which in this case makes him very PVE oriented. Not only does he absorbs a portion of the damage taken by others but also returns another portion to his attackers if his skill is active. He can pretty much be doing this indefinitely due to taunts and the Royal Huntman's mis-direct skill, however taunt's effect won't work on newly summoned monsters whereas mis-direction will still work as long as it is active. Return damage can be exceptional useful in events where monsters start hitting ridiculous numbers on your team, just be sure to keep his HP up with heals.
"One thing to note of is that Paladin's taunt affects the existing enemies during the time it was cast so if new monsters are summoned after the skill, they are not taunted. RH's misdirection on the other hand acts as a buff, hereby taunting other monsters as long as the buff is active." - Theoria
Darrion - Chaos Knight
The offensive counterpart among his other jobs. The Holy Defender and Paladin has better DEF & HP than the Chaos Knight, and the Blood Knight has better self sustainability. Chaos Knights effectively cease to be useful once his skill kicks in and separates himself from others in PVE. He is slightly more offensive built than others because of his aura. But realistically, if he moves away, others will have to follow him to get the benefit. The problem is he can tend to move pretty far if he ever uses his skill. I did say almost, because in PVP he can still be useful if anyone can look past his downsides. If you happen to lose the tile to your enemy in PVP because you moved too slow and whoever is there won't budge, then this job can be your saving grace by swapping him with the other and win points for you.
"I believe the reason that CK isnt as popular compare to the other Darrion's class is because his counterpart, Victoria, can function in a similar fashion except with lower stats. Nonetheless, its worth mentioning that CK could be the second tankiest class in the game if you consider his aura. Sure, the paladin has a little higher HP, but DEF scales much better than HP does. Again, with his aura, this class actually has the highest ATK stats for any guardian. Not only that, he possesses the extra mobility from his skill which other Darrion class doesnt. With the current meta, its apparent that his skill set is everything a guardian could have asked for to ensure a sweet 100 points in an arena battle. Unfortunately, he doesnt have much to offer when you are doing story/event stages." - Razk
Darrion - Blood Knight
If you want more survivability without Healers, Blood Knight is the job to go to. This job can ensure better survivability for everyone on the front lines in his aura. He can shine almost everywhere due to self sustainability with heals from both his aura and skill. Although not as hardy as the first two jobs, his unique heals can compensate for the lower DEF. He is also slightly more offensive built than his Crusader paths.
- Note that all 4 jobs have the taunt skill which I have left out. It's pretty straight forward, take all the heat in PVE. You can even turn this situation to your advantage by utilizing jobs who have auras that trigger's upon others getting hit for various advantages (Example would be Warlocks, and Kiera the Mind Warder)
- The preferred faith for Darrion would be Kratos since all his skills and some auras utilizes the DEF stat, which also makes him all the more defensive.
- If you're looking for alternatives for the Paladin and Chaos Knight jobs for Darrion, Victoria is the perfect candidate. They have similar skill sets for both jobs but Darrion obviously trumps her in higher stat multipliers.
Freya - Gladiator
Has the highest DEF but the lowest attack compared to her other jobs, she has to turn to her aura to offset her low attack with the help from her allies. Luckily, she has a 2-turn stun and burn damage similar to Elementalist but only in a 3 tile area which keeps her from being on the bench. She can either favor Ares for more attack or Zeus for more survivability.
Freya - Dragoon
The only job among the four who can reach anywhere fast and stun enemies adjacent to her thanks to her skill. Her aura will be less useful once she leaps away, but she can still benefit from her aura herself which is not entirely bad, and 35% trigger chance is not to be overlooked either. Since she's open to enemy attacks and her usefulness comes from her CC effect, it's advisable to build her an all rounder which makes Zeus ideal for her but Ares works just as fine too.
"About Freya's Dragoon aura; Yes, she can triggered it by herself even nobody is around her." - Razk
Freya - Berserker
If Darrion can boast the highest DEF, she can boast the highest ATK. This comes at the expense of lowering her DEF by a small fraction only for 2 turns, which can pass very fast in PVP. It also leaves her quite vulnerable especially if she gets debuffed from standing on a tile, so it's advisable to have Guardians who can mitigate damage or soak up some damage from her. Her aura is not bad, but not very useful either if no ones around, which is why she needs support very often.
Freya - Warlord
A Warlord's usefulness only comes from their unique pulls, which is pretty useful in PVP situations. However useful, it is better to not pull your enemies to a tile if you cannot kill them fast enough, otherwise you're dooming yourself. In PVE, it's very useful in pulling ranged enemies for your other melee attackers to hit. Her aura's trigger chance is below average but still somewhat reliable if you're just using her for pulls.
- Champions generally prefer to worship Ares, Zeus is an alternative if you want more survivability on the front lines.
- Champions may need the support of Guardians to stay alive longer, but not necessarily. Shadows are great companions to have around with Champions if you want a great offensive front line.
- If you're considering the Gladiator and Warlord jobs for Freya, try to consider Vincent for the job as well. Since the skill set for these 2 jobs are almost similar with the exception of Valiants being stronger and Vincent the Gladiator has a 2-turn shield instead of burn ground damage Freya has. This leaves other job options which are more unique for Freya.
Shizu - Magebane
Among her other jobs, this one stands a better chance against magic attacks but not very significant. An AOE 2 turn stun is about the only thing good about this class, If timed wisely, she and a couple of others can form up a stun-lock combo which is very good for PVE bosses. Her AOE is also pretty much reliant on mobs being together since she can't target an empty tile. It's also not very advisable to rely on her aura too much as it only has a low chance to trigger. Her faith can be very flexible, if you want her to survive magic attacks even further and a slight increase in skill damage then go for Athena. Else, just go for Hera for a direct increase in skill damage and critical chance.
Shizu - Samurai
This job provides great utility when it comes to debuffing enemies especially in PVE as their debuffs are their winning points. The same cannot be said for PVP because 2 turns will come and go in a blink of an eye since turns are counted differently in PVE. But it can be useful for taking down Guardians who are hard to kill, just make sure to follow up with a strong attack/skill once that debuff hits. The Samurai isn't reliant on CRIT at all, but already has a high base CRIT because she is a Shadow but still lowest among her other three jobs. She can either have her CRITs strengthened by Hera for more critical attacks or beefed up with other faiths like Ares or Zeus for survivability. Again, do not rely too much on her aura.
Shizu - Ninja
Very PVP oriented, but be careful how you use her. Her ability to swap positions with an enemy leaves her vulnerable once her stealth wears down which can be pretty quick, it's even more dangerous when she gets debuffed standing on a tile. If you use her in PVE you'll just be abandoning her in enemy territory without any other melee support. A 50% chance to refresh turns of everyone once she kills an enemy is sort of a gamble, that is if she has anyone in her aura to begin with because once she swaps position with enemy, her aura cease to be useful to others but herself if no allies are around. She can be pretty deadly if swapped behind enemy front lines as she can wreak havoc on squishy heroes.
"A great addition to any party, Ninja Shizu is what I would refer as the Queen of farming. Be it story mode, gold mine or even the latest zombie horde, she can just refresh everyone every turn from the bottom of their feet as long as she can kill a few things. This is the class that makes farming much faster and easier. She may have a little trouble staying up alive in the later legendary stages, but with a little cover from a guardian, she still can get the job done. Her skill has the shortest CD for any 5* classes along with the Gunslinger, and that make her a solid choice for stealing capture point in the arena. It can also weaken the DEF on later tougher boss for your other units to quickly deliver the killing blow. Still, just like every other shadow class, her overpowerness starts to shine more when you are nearing the end game stage." - Razk
Shizu - Assassin
Another PVP oriented job, her low cooldowns and 2 turn single target stun is useful for disabling an enemy early in the match when timed correctly. Also her aura is not reliant on kills like the Ninja, and triggers based on critical is easier to achieve with high CRIT. Although at a slightly lower chance, her aura is the same as the Ninja's but unfortunately she cannot benefit herself from it. Compared to Magebanes, Assassins can do a better job at stun locks thanks to her low cooldown. The Assassin is the most reliant on CRITs to make her aura work, which makes Hera faith most favorable for this job.
- Shadows generally don't work well alone, so keep this in mind.
- The Ninja and Assassin are great farmers for the gold event, due to the fact that they can trigger refresh on kill/criticals which are easier to achieve as rocks are easy targets.
- If you're considering the Ninja class, try to consider Kai instead for the job since they are very much similar except for stats, leaving you options to choose other jobs for Shizu.
- Shizu is pretty reliant on others being around her due to her auras, the more the better as she's not very useful alone. Stealth is also another issue, she may be impervious to normal attacks, but she is still open to indirect attacks from AOE/splash/chain.
"I can confirm that stealthed units still take full AoE skill damage currently. I've done it myself personally." - newnar
"Yes, Stealth = "can't be target" not immune to damage. So eventually they will take damage from AoE, Splash damage via Champion and Shadow Class chain attack." - tackey
Kiera - Mind Warder
The Mind Warder is better used for her utility rather than nuking her foes, her AOE 2 turn skill delay is useful in both PVE and PVP situations. Her aura is also another strong point of hers, especially in PVP where she can retaliate with a 40% chance when others in her aura get hit. Because of her aura, she can favor Ares faith more than Athena.
Kiera - Rune Magus
Pure utility built, best survivability among others but weakest in terms of damage. She can however hit everyone with her skill rather than targeting enemies in a 3x3 grid. She is preferably placed in a team of ranged hitters in PVE and surrounded by allies to make use of her aura, but don't depend on it too much as it only has a 30% trigger chance. As for PVP, her utility is less significant as her walls will vanish fast but her knockbacks are still useful in preventing the opponents from taking over tiles for too long. She can favor Athena if you want more HP for your walls, or Ares if you want to be reliant on her aura.
Kiera - Elementalist
Pure damage built, with almost zero utility. In terms of raw damage she takes the cake among her other jobs. She is best coupled with other Mystics or Healers to give a significant boost to their MAG stat. Her faith would be the obvious choice of Athena since every aspect of her is dependent on that stat.
Kiera - Warlock
More PVP oriented. She's good for her displacement of enemy heroes but it is still a gamble because they get teleport randomly, it may end up advantageous or the other way around. But it is still good for removing strong aura links from the enemy as well as removing them from tiles in the arena. As for her aura, the trigger rate is not too low and not high enough either. Poison can be deadly especially when stacked with poison triggered from other jobs like Witch Doctors or if you've removed your opponent's healer away from passively healing others. To make full use of her poison and to have a better trigger chance, you'll need allies surrounding her and Athena faith is a must.
- Mystics generally prefer to be on the back with the exception of Rune Magus due to her high DEF.
- Mystics generally fair better against skill damage due to their high MAG stat, and all with the exception of Mind Warder are pretty reliant on Athena for the best results.
- Alternatives for Warlock would be Zedd (If you don't mind that hideous costume he's wearing).
Lucille - Inquisitor
As an Inquisitor, she can be pretty situational when it comes to activating her 2-turn 100% damage immunity for the whole squad which can take quite a while to charge up. Everyone would have to fend for themselves before her heals starts to kick in with the damage immunity. She can however provide stat increase to MAG & DEF by a small margin in the meantime to ensure better survivability. Pairing her with another passive Healer makes the squad almost hard to beat.
Lucille - Archbishop
The Archbishops provides passive heals to those in her aura every turn, which is reliable in all situations. Although she can cast heals and invulnerability for 2 turns like the Inquisitor, it only targets one ally with the benefit of a shorter cooldown of 5 turns coupled with the cleanse effect. She may have reliable heals from her aura, but she mainly focuses on keeping Guardians alive in boss fights or occupiers of the center tiles in the arena with haste. Works very well if paired with Guardians who do not have the cleanse effect.
Lucille - Spirit Walker
As a Spirit Walker, she does not shine being the only Healer on the field. This is because her heals are not strong enough to keep everyone alive, coupled with her aura which uses healing as the trigger with below average chance. Like Warlocks, she can teleport her foes randomly which makes for great utility in PVP although it's a gamble where they get displaced to.
Lucille - Witch Doctor
Just like Spirit Walkers, she needs a second healer to make full use of her aura. But what makes her very unique is the ability to charm her enemies into turning on each other once with their normal attacks, unfortunately this doesn't count towards their turns. Poison can be deadly especially when stacked with poison triggered from other jobs like Warlocks or if you've removed your opponent's healer away from passively healing others. To make full use of her poison and to have a better trigger chance, you'll need allies surrounding her and Athena faith is a must.
- Other than Archbishop, Lucille generally needs another Healer to do passive heals in between turns to wait for her skills to kick in.
- Athena would be the favorable faith since all her heals are heavily dependent on MAG.
Kane - Grand Ranger
This job is an all rounder and also the most useful, he can excel at both PVE and PVP. His skill to stun and knockback is pretty useful in most situations. His aura is also top notch with a very high chance from a critical hit to trigger others to stun and attack. To really make full use of him, build him up with a high CRIT stat, and surround him with allies.
Kane - Royal Hunstman
A pure PVE job which is best coupled with a Guardian as his skills can direct all the heat to them as long as it is active. Since Guardians already have their very own taunt skill, you can effectively turn the whole map against the Guardian indefinitely. It is advisable to time the Royal Huntman's skill properly as taunts do not work on newly summoned monsters. It is also a plus for the Royal Huntsman and Guardians to be in each other's aura. I say this because Royal Huntsman can trigger his attack with a not so low chance if others in his aura gets hit and return a portion of all damage taken if his skill is still active, not to mention Guardians have their very own benefits to ensure better survivability in return. As far as faith goes,Royal Huntsman is best built with high DEF to ensure better survivability from monsters who can do splash attacks and skills, so either Kratos or Zeus faith is good for him.
Kane - Gunslinger
Slightly inferior to Grand Ranger in terms of skill damage, utility and aura trigger chance. The only saving grace for this job is the lowest cooldown among 5* heroes and having flexibility on his faiths. If you pick your targets to stun wisely, you can have the upper hand in PVP. He can still be useful though, if you pair or surround him with others who has auras that can trigger attack when others attack. If you want to be dependent on luck, the Gunslinger and those others with attack triggers can attack almost indefinitely in one turn. But then you'll have to build a squad solely dedicated for this.
Kane - Sharpshooter
A pure DPS job with no utility so there isn't much to say. What makes this job so special is only his high damage multipliers. He can either favor high ATK or high CRIT but more preferably CRIT due to his aura, so Hera would be the preferred choice for faith.
- There's two preferred faiths for Rangers; Hera and Ares.
- Do consider Cybella for Gunslinger because of her superior aura.
* This thread is extremely wordy and it will constantly be updated given the opportunity.
* If there are any mistakes or discrepancies between here and in-game or if I have left out anything important, do let me know so I can make corrections.
* Anyone is welcome to give their additional input.
- Thanks to newnar for the information regarding stealth
- Thanks to tackey for the information regarding stealth
- Thanks to Theoria for the information regarding Guardian's taunts and the Royal Huntman's skill effect.
- Thanks to Razk for the confirmation on Dragoon Freya's aura stun effect, and additional input for Chaos Knight Darrion and Ninja Shizu.
- Thanks to HikaruKaze for the clarification of poison stacking which only applies when triggered from different jobs.