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Re: Stop This Stupid Daily Raid

Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:13 pm

In all honesty, memes aside, I don't see how is this impossible, if anything, it's far from impossible and a 921479821421x improvement compared to the original raid where it's a logistical nightmare to handle.

First of all, this is a raid meant for everyone, even newbies can participate, how good is that? We have members that are legit new players and can't do jack shit to the boss nor meet the level 50 requirement, I'm grateful for the developers in including even the newbies for the anniversary special raid. 

Secondly, the milestone rewards are equivalent to the killing rewards because I assume the milestone rewards were meant to be the actual reward and that means EVERYONE is guaranteed a 250, but those who actually managed to hit it gets the bonus 250? Since it's pretty much an easy boss that only requires a minimum of merely 1,500 hits collectively from THIRTY FIVE members, obviously the difficulty lies in the coordination of the guild, and the bonus 250 is the reward for it.

How is this far from impossible? Quick math, 1500-240 = 1260/30 = 42, which means every member just need to hit around ~42 damage to the head and the remaining two guildies can swoop in and clear up 120 HP each, is it easy to plan and talk about it? Yes. Is it easy to execute the plan? Yes. 

Finally, like Kitsuneblue said, there is no reason to assume that the devs are intentionally trying to screw players over by making these type of raid a logistical nightmare (which is a false assumption in the first place) , they have better things to do and are most likely busy enough working on future content as well. 

P.S. They did screw us over with the inconsistency of the dead left arm that may or may not provide shields for the first day of the raid, but as far as I'm concerned, the whole left arm not giving shield is intended. But after that, with the new information, it was very easy to think of a fail-safe measure to deal with the boss. 

P.P.S. I struggle to fathom what will the complaints be if a real challenge were to come, seeing that this trivial issue is already dubbed as a logistical nightmare. 
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Re: Stop This Stupid Daily Raid

Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:56 pm

The bug costed us 1 early kill coz left arm's shield suddenly didnt bug and didnt remain till the end of battle. But one time is enough to ruin many members who have been stationed around the kill time. So we dont kill left arm since. All bosses killed but like i said earlier, the Genie is not being loved regardless.
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Re: Stop This Stupid Daily Raid

Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:11 pm

The bug costed us 1 early kill coz left arm's shield suddenly didnt bug and didnt remain till the end of battle. But one time is enough to ruin many members who have been stationed around the kill time. So we dont kill left arm since. All bosses killed but like i said earlier, the Genie is not being loved regardless.
So the only main issue was the first bug, then after that, that wasn't an issue anymore, but it's still not being loved, why?

I remember you saying that it was due to the reset time of the raid and key itself and many people are based in States from your guild, is that because of it? So it's more of a subjective issue than objective one, am I right?

That said, we hated it on the first day as well because of the inconsistency bug, but after that, all is well, I would not prefer the old raid, which is a complete logistics nightmare compared to this raid. 
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Re: Stop This Stupid Daily Raid

Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:13 am

The bug costed us 1 early kill coz left arm's shield suddenly didnt bug and didnt remain till the end of battle. But one time is enough to ruin many members who have been stationed around the kill time. So we dont kill left arm since. All bosses killed but like i said earlier, the Genie is not being loved regardless.
So the only main issue was the first bug, then after that, that wasn't an issue anymore, but it's still not being loved, why?

I remember you saying that it was due to the reset time of the raid and key itself and many people are based in States from your guild, is that because of it? So it's more of a subjective issue than objective one, am I right?

That said, we hated it on the first day as well because of the inconsistency bug, but after that, all is well, I would not prefer the old raid, which is a complete logistics nightmare compared to this raid. 
Sorry for late reply as i just got back from a trip. Most of the members dont like it coz the design is not good.

We are no serious guild. Despite fully active during Genie, most communicative members had to discuss and stayed around for kill during kill time. Its a burden to us. With just 1 key, no one has second chance to help. If some communicative members were busy and hit first, they needed to lower dmg to avoid killing Genie as we wanna get as many members on ladder before kill timd. Thus if we couldnt balance this well, we wouldnt have enough communicative members to manage the kill. We have 1/3 of members ignore Genie completely despite being active all the time and play raid 1 (that was just back) normally. Some explicitly said its inconvenient for them to manage or some feared they will mess up.

And im pretty sure i explicitly said my guild's opinion is 'subjective' as i dont know what majority think. I kinda feel your comment forcefully demands explanation but its pointless to force me or my guild to like it coz we dont have to feel the same about Genie raid. It could be easy for some guilds but those some guilds are not majority as well. And im here just to voice my opinion and ur free to voice out yours too.

P.S. Just to make sure ur not mistaking me with the OP who has problem killing Genie coz i said clearly we managed thru Genie.
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Re: Stop This Stupid Daily Raid

Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:51 pm

To add on onto why this boss is bad design. The body part that casts the invincibility shield, is the left arm. Some people plays on auto, myself included sometimes. When auto is on, which body part gets hit? The left arm. If 10 people auto during this boss and dealt 100 damage each, the left arm is toast. if the 11th member went in with auto and didnt notice it, gg genie. The skill should have been on the main head part if the intended design is for everyone to deal 1 damage.  

If you ask why auto, it's only 6 minutes? For 6 minutes I rather play several rounds of a fighting game, than swiping the screen for 6 minutes.

Edit: I originally said right arm, it's left arm.